Friday, April 25, 2014

On Android, jQuery makes AngularJS (only) 20% slower

The previous blog post showed that adding jQuery to AngularJS made it 50% slower on an iPhone. I ran the same test on the now-released! Android version of the Profiler (topmost result comes from loading jQuery before AngularJS and bottom from not loading it - the loading time is not part of the times shown; click for larger view):

On Android the slowdown is only 20%, which is nice. What's not so nice, and a bit puzzling, is that Android 4.4 / Chrome 34 / Samsung S5 is over 100% slower than iPhone5/iOS7:

I have to admit that I haven't looked at other performance comparisons between iPhone5 and the S5.

The Mobile Safari Rendering Profiler

To delight users, your mobile app needs to feel snappy and respond to gestures immediately. Doing that with the mobile web can be tough. The Mobile Safari Rendering Profiler helps you buy measuring whether your changes are helping. It runs your test setup several times so that you can see distinguish real changes from noise caused by timing, javascript optimization and garbage collection.

Test setup details

The iPhone test was run on an iPhone5 running iOS 7.1 (and Mobile Safari). The Android device is a Samsung Galaxy S5, running Android 4.4.2 and Chrome 34. The test runs after the page has been loaded and initial contents rendered, it then measures the time to generate 2000 items using ng-repeat. The test was run with AngularJS 1.2.16 and jQuery 1.11.

I did also run the comparison on desktop Chrome 34. There the difference between plain AngularJS and AngularJS-with-jQuery is only 6%.

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